Who, What, When, Where, Why & How — Thoughts for Creatives

Though we rarely see each other in person, my friend, Courtney DeFeo is a true source of encouragement, inspiration, and brass tax practical advice. (Thank you, technology!)

So, when she posted a blog for folks who want to create, write or speak but don’t necessarily know how or where to start, I was intrigued. Courtney has an uncanny way of engaging readers right where they are and lighting the way toward possible next steps.

And, in true Courtney fashion, she never aims the spotlight only on herself. She invites others in to collaborate with her so we can spur one another on in this crazy, creative, writing adventure. 

As I thought about what I might say to someone just starting out on this journey, I realized the advice that came to me is exactly what I need to hear right now because I’ve fallen into a bit of a dry spell with my writing. Isn’t that how life so often works??

These are the reminders I need these days — and just maybe, they will speak to you too…

How Does God Speak to His People? (Part 2)

As I sit in my gated off kitchen cleaning up puppy pee every three minutes, I wonder when in the world I had time to write a whole blog about the possibility of hearing from God?? That “life of leisure” is a distant memory today.

But the new normal in this season got me thinking — can one only hear from God in the silence? In the calm seasons of life? When the conditions are perfect, the candles are lit, the coffee is freshly brewed, no kids are awake and no puppies are peeing?

Or is it also possible to hear from God in the midst of the chaos? In the storms of life?

I have to believe the answer is YES. To both.

A Glimpse of the Real Holly

So, I woke up early last week to make my flight and my phone wasn’t charged, even though I had charged it all night long. I figured it was somewhat faulty cord, so I plugged it into the kitchen.  I finished getting ready and the kids were running around getting ready for school, when I decided that this bag I’d be hauling around San Francisco all day was a little to heavy.  Being a smart traveler

Is it Possible to Hear from God? (Part 1)

Learning to hear from God is a lot like learning to do Cross-fit.

When you’re an “outsider” looking in, the whole thing looks like the world got together and decided to play a big joke on the rest of us. Not only does Cross-fit look miserable, it looks damn near impossible.

But — what if??

What if the God of the universe, Jesus himself, wants to meet with you today? To bring you a word, a thought, a dream, a vision, an impression of full-life meant just for you?! What if He wants to meet you in the deepest part of your soul, right in the middle of the anxiety, fear, and doubt, in the center of your most profound need and bring you a different perspective? His perspective? One that has the possibility of bringing hope and light and life and joy.

Isn’t it worth opening your heart to the possibility that you could listen to Him, hear directly from Him?

A List for Younger Me…What I Wish I Knew Then

Once upon a time a cute little Colorado native married a Virginia born graphic designer. The two got married, had a son then a daughter 5 years later. And then—-> BING BOING BOOM 26 minutes later they have 2 teenagers one of whom is a senior and trying to figure out how to be aContinue reading “A List for Younger Me…What I Wish I Knew Then”

Playing Judge, Doesn’t Work

Almost exactly two years ago, I got married for the second time.  May 28, 2015 was one of the most amazing days of my life and the word that was touted on that day was the word redemption. The bad was being redeemed. Joy filled the walls of the rustic barn where we said our vows and then we were off to seven of the most fun filled, exciting, relaxing heavenly days in Hawaii.  However, it didn’t take too long for the word redemption in relation to my new marriage to feel not quite so redemptionish.

When Kids Teach Mamas: Lessons Learned from Watching My Kid Sit the Bench

When was the last time you cheered someone on — no strings attached? Just because you genuinely wanted another person to achieve her very best? 

When was the last time you applauded for someone, without privately wondering how you measure up in comparison? Without harboring inner resentment or jealousy because your friend was in position or place of authority you wished was yours.

When was the last time you genuinely wanted the best for someone else without regard to how it compares to your ‘success’ or lack thereof?

And, friends, cheering on your children doesn’t count.

Spreading Dave’s Ashes – For Reals

I don’t know how long other people hold onto the ashes of their loved ones, but I held onto them for a long time.  Four years and three months, to be exact.  Over the years, I have dished out a teaspoon here and a tablespoon there, while camping or hiking or on birthdays, but I never really could get to the place where I could really let go of them.